Mihaela (Michaela) Bogdan

Certified Practitioner since December 2020


English/ Limba Romana mai jos

My name is Mihaela (Michaela Bogdan). I hold a bachelor’s degree in International Relations and I am a certified Havening Techniques Practitioner, BWRT Level 1 Practitioner, and Integrative Coach, among other trainings. I am committed to ongoing professional development and stay updated with the latest research news  in Havening Techniques.

Fluent in both Romanian and English, I specialize in childhood trauma and the aftermath of traumatic events, providing compassionate support to clients from diverse backgrounds. My sessions aim to provide relief from anxiety, PTSD, and stress. Additionally, I am passionate about Peak Performance Coaching, helping clients harness their strengths and achieve personal and professional excellence.

  • Childhood Trauma: I help clients process and heal from experiences that have affected their development and overall well-being.
  • Traumatic Events: I support clients in navigating and recovering from significant life events that have led to emotional distress.
  • Anxiety, PTSD, and Stress: I utilize Havening Techniques to alleviate symptoms and restore a sense of calm and safety.
  • Peak Performance Coaching: I assist clients in achieving their highest potential in personal and professional areas by overcoming mental barriers.

If you are ready to embark on a journey of healing, please feel free to contact me for further information, to schedule a discovery call or a session.

Available  for online sessions worldwide.



Numele meu este Mihaela (Michaela Bogdan). Detin o diploma de licenta în Relatii Internationale si sunt Practicant certificat în Tehnicile Havening, Practicant BWRT Nivel 1 si Coach Integrativ, printre alte cursuri. Ma angajez sa ma dezvolt profesional continuu si sa raman la curent cu cele mai recente noutati  de cercetare în Tehnicile Havening.

Cunosc fluent atat limba romana, cat si limba engleza, sunt specializata in traume din copilarie ai evenimente traumatice, oferind sprijin cu compasiune clientilor din medii diverse. Sesiunile mele au ca scop ameliorarea anxietatii, tulburare de stress post-traumatic (PTSD) si stresul. In plus, sunt pasionata de Coachingul de  Performanta, ajutand clientii sa-si valorifice punctele forte ii sa atinga excelenta personala si profesionala.

Traumele din copilarie: ajut clientii sa proceseze si sa se vindece din experientele care le-au afectat dezvoltarea si bunastarea generala.
Evenimentele traumatice: sprijin in navigarea si recuperarea dupa evenimentele semnificative din viata care au dus la suferinta emotionala.
Anxietate, Tulburare de Stress Post-Traumatic (PTSD) si Stres: folosesc Tehnicile Havening pentru a atenua simptomele si a restabili un sentiment de calmitate si siguranta.
Coachingul de Performanta : Asist clientii sa isi atinga cel mai inalt potential in domeniul personal si profesional prin depasirea barierelor mentale.

Daca sunteti gata sa porniti intr-o calatorie de vindecare, va rug sa nu ezitati sa ma contactati pentru mai multe informatii sau pentru a programa un apel de descoperire gratuit sau o sesiune.

Sesiuni online disponibile in toata lumea.


Areas of specialization

Anxiety, Panic attacks, Phobias, Post-traumatic stress disorder, Sports performance, Stress


New York
Republic of Moldova
